Add a new page

How to add a new page to your site:

Adding new pages to your website as you add products or services or even other information about your business is important. When someone comes to your website they want to be able to know everything your business that is unique that you can provide. For search engine optimization purposes it is important that all of the information you place on your site is not copied from somewhere else on the internet. On any one page you want no more than 1-3 keyword phrases to stand out. It is also important that if you plan to add keyword phrases that stand out that you add at least 200 word of text to each of those newly optimized pages.

To add a new page to your website

1.       Open the page “new page” from the file manager next “View Page” This page contains all of the design elements that are consistent from page to page on your site. Never use the button at the bottom that says “Add a new page” this will add a blank white page to your website. The new page will contain all of the design information to keep your site consistent from page to page.


2.       Go to the “Save” and then the “Save As” button in the top menu. Select the “Save As” button.


3.       Create a new file name for your page. We recommend adding in information that is related to what will be on this new page. If you have multiple words we recommend adding a dash “-“ or underscore “_” between the words. Because of how the internet works you cannot add spaces into the file name of your new page. I’ve named my new page stone-driveways. When someone navigates to this new page they will be able to see in their web browser address bar. My domain name/stone-driveways.html.

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4.       Add in a Page Name and description from the “Page Settings” Button “Page Name & Description” this should describe what’s going to be on this new page on your website. Your Page Name should not go over 70 characters and your Page Description should not be over 155 characters. On your optimized pages we have already added in this information. Keyword phrases should NOT be edited or changed on your already optimized pages page name and descriptions. This is a great way on your new page to add in new keyword phrases that you would like to be highlighted.


5.       If you want to add in keyword phrases to your new page you want it to stand out from the rest of your text on your new page. To add a keyword phrase or two into the H1 tag select the H1 tag and from the properties manager select the button “Enter or Paste HTML” Where it says “Header for New Page” you will remove that text and replace it with a keyword phrase. This is going to show up on your published page and stand out.


You can remove this html element on your new pages by selecting the H1 element on your new page and selecting the trash can (delete button) at the top of the page. It is very important that you do not remove your HTML boxes on your optimized pages.


6.       From there you can go in and add text, other information, and elements to your new page. If you want keyword phrases to stand out you can anchor link them and bold them just as we did on your other optimized pages. If you do decide to optimize other keyword phrases you will want to make sure you add at least 200 word of text around those keyword phrases. Not every page on your site needs to be optimized.

Posted in Design