Site Map

A sitemap has been added to the backend of your site, in the file manager; please do not remove this sitemap.xml. It can be found by going into your domain and the File Manager of your site. It is listed along with the other files that make up your website.

Examples of how to see your sitemap in the Sitebuilder Plus software


If you are adding pages to your website you may want to update your sitemap to help the search engines index these new pages quicker. In order to update your site map you will be replacing the current site map on your website.

1. Go to


2. On this screen you will type in your domain name and click on the start button


3. Give it several seconds to index your pages and refresh your screen with the completed sitemap

4. Once the sitemap generator gives you the results, you will want to click on the first link…DOWNLOAD UN-COMPRESSED XML SITEMAP.


5. Clicking on this link will allow you to save your updated sitemap to your computer. I recommend saving it to your desktop

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6. Once you have saved this file, you will want to open up the Sitebuilder program.

7. In Sitebuilder Plus, click on file manager which you can find by clicking on the name of your website at the top of the screen and selecting the words “View File Manager”


8. In your file manager which you can find by clicking on the name of your website at the top of the screen, you will want to click on the import button at the top and find the sitemap.xml file you just saved onto your computer.


9. Once you find the file and click ok, it will ask you if you want to replace the existing file…Click YES


10. The last thing you will want to do is publish the sitemap.xml file so it gets picked up by search engines. You can easily do so by selecting from the main part of the Sitebuilder “Publish” and select the button “Entire Site”



Note: You do not need to update your site map every single time you add a new page to your website.

Posted in SEO