Editing text

The most common element that is modified is the text on a website. This information should always be update and pertinent to the business. However, please do not remove your keyword phrases that have been optimized.  These are bolded and anchor linked.

To edit the text on your site, you will use your mouse and left click on the text box in which you want to edit and then double-click inside the box, or click Edit on the top right corner, then type your text.

Use the Text Settings on the right to change the way your text looks. You can make changes by highlighting the text you want to change.

Resize the text box, as needed, either by entering the width and height dimensions in the Text Settings editor or by clicking and dragging one of the corners of the text box.

You can also copy and paste text into the text box from another page or document but you will need to reapply any formatting to the text.

Below you can see a box selected and the properties editor is different on the right side of the page. It has properties related to editing text. To edit text on the site you will left click in the next box you want to edit. You can easily add text by selecting where you want to add the text and then typing with your keyboard the text you want to add to your website. To delete text you click at the end of the text you want to get rid of and select the backspace button on your keyboard.


To change the properties of the text, such as the font, color, or other properties

  1. Select the text box by clicking on the box the text is in with your computer mouse
  2. Highlight over the text you want to change the properties of
  3. Select the property(s) you want to change from the properties manager on the far right hand side


H1 Tag in HTML
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Here is an H1 tag. To edit the H1 tag which is in text (which we highly discourage on your optimized pages as it can adversely affect your SEO) you would select the H1 tag first and then select the button which reads “Enter or Paste HTML” However, on new pages this is a great way to add in new keyword phrases related to the content on that new page.


Adding a new text box:

To add a new text box from menu at the top of the page

  1. Select insert
  2. Select


Tip: Any element that is added will be automatically placed in the upper left corner of the main part of the page that you can view. If you cannot locate an element that you have inserted be sure to check the upper left section of the page without scrolling.


2.   Once you’ve added the text box it will place that element on the page. Make sure to remove the text “Double click here to add text” and replace it with the text for your businesses website and move it to where you want that information to appear on your webpage.Tip: If you decide to remove all of the text from a webpage, it is recommended to remove the text element by deleting the entire element. You can do this by selecting the element and clicking on the delete button at the top of the Sitebuilder software. Otherwise you may end up with text boxes on top of text boxes and it can be hard to edit the right box in that situation.


Posted in Design